The Sancore
What's this? a well written suggestion thread for construction that accepts new ideas. Perfect! just what I was looking for.
Liking all the ideas so far but something I've been thinking about latly is how boring most poh dungeons are and mostly just serve as pk slaughter basments, wich is all good and fine but something to make the beating of the dungeon actually a reason to go there very lacking.
Treasure chest in the treasure room currently hold a laughable 1.5k max while just the room itself cost 250k to build.
Scaling the amount of coins with the tiers of chest from wooden box up to the magic treasure chest seems so obvious I dont really get why it wasnt made that way from the start.
So my suggestion would be to increase it by tiers up to alteast 1m, with added warning offcourse that the gp may be lost if a challanger beats your dungon.
As for the magic chest there's nothing really magical about it so I suggest that after you loot it it would teleport the looter back to the oubliette.
And now that we have made the prize worth reaching for lets make the path there harder aswell. Currently all the guards you can employ only use melee with the exeption of the steel and rune dragon in the treasure room so here i simply like to see some magic based and range based guards to keep players from just keeping protect from melee on.
The spike trap I'd love to see the ablity to poison it or even use a magic/tanzanite fang on it to give a chance of inflicting venom.
And lastly as it is your dungeon adding a toggle to the lever in the throne room to make your guards unaggresive towards you while still attacking all invaders.
Thx for reading and hoping this small hijacking doesn't annoy op too much.
Good ideas.
I certainly don't mind, on the contrary, haha. I'll just reference your post in the OP.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
Always thought the POH needed armour stands for various other types of armors, besides someway to store quest items somewhere and logs in the fire place.
Wanting to leave a small suggestion in here as well:
- Introduce a silvery jewellery box in the skill hall, likewise the currently existing one in the achievement gallery is being renamed to a golden jewellery box. The hotspot is diagonally opposed to the rune case.
+ Basic silvery jewellery box - Construction 58, Materials: Bolt of cloth, Steel bar, Ring of returning(5)x4, Burning amulet(5)x4, Necklace of passage(5)x4
Allows players to teleport to their current respawn point and all teleports covered by the burning amulet and the necklace of passage
As usual an awesome to read thread
Wanting to leave a small suggestion in here as well:
- Introduce a silvery jewellery box in the skill hall, likewise the currently existing one in the achievement gallery is being renamed to a golden jewellery box. The hotspot is diagonally opposed to the rune case.
+ Basic silvery jewellery box - Construction 58, Materials: Bolt of cloth, Steel bar, Ring of returning(5)x4, Burning amulet(5)x4, Necklace of passage(5)x4
Allows players to teleport to their current respawn point and all teleports covered by the burning amulet and the necklace of passage