I might be okay with this being implemented for the reasons of merging the numerous bank spaces of random currencies into one space as well as giving additional incentive to play now dead minigames.
I'm not sure I agree with Pest Control being on the list due to its popularity and almost necessity, although pulling some rewards from other minigames and adding them to the shop might be a plus, as, as it has been stated before in this thread, most of the minigames that are dead are only dead because the rewards are lame and useless versus rewards of other minigames and not of the compared gameplay of the minigames.
I'd have to see how they went about proposing it on a poll, but I would consider voting for this. I'm a true believer of conserving past content, it is nostalgia that fuels what I would believe is a majority of the population of Runescape. And, that 's not just out of speculation but out of conversations I've had with the countless number of people in this game throughout the years.
22-May-2019 04:50:41