Can the denoting or parcel service be upgraded to a bank in Tai Bwo Wannai? There are quite a few things going for a bank there:
The Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup mini game. Almost every mini game in the game has a bank either directly attached or nearby (32 mini games with a bank vs 6 without). Wiki: Shades of Morton is probably the closest minigame analog, and the Burgh de Rott bank is close by there (with completion of In Aid of the Myreque).
This minigame could really use a bank and is particularly item heavy. Check out the "necessary item" section on the wiki: There are numerous monsters that can poison you (for 6 each), drain your stats, and just generally make you eat food, especially for a low level player. Then remember that chopping tatch fills up your inventory quickly. It's a very difficult inventory management problem currently, without a bank nearby. A bank would make this minigame much more manageable, especially if you forgot something or don't plan ahead perfectly. There are also various events/ rewards (snakeskin, broodoo masks, and gem stones) which are frequently ignored currently because their rewards are not worth the effort & the 10 sticks needed to bank currently.
High distance from another bank. The closest banks are in TzHaar, Shilo Village (with the quest unlocked), or Zanaris with the fairy ring to the south. A bank in Tai Bwo Wannai could help make the Brimhaven Dungeon (and Karamja in general) a bit easier to use.
There already are bank analogs there, with the parcel & denoting services, so this isn't a huge change.
The bank could be unlocked after Jungle Potion, Tai Bwo Wannai Trio, or some input of planks or trading sticks. I personally find unlockable banks to be very staffing satisfying and one of the best quest rewards where they exist.
28-Sep-2022 01:27:18