1. rev caves with pvp weapons and gear
2. allowing the trident to be used in pvp wilderness
3. updated god staffs that are automtically always charged and can be loaded with runes like a trident/ requires 80 magic
4. additional dragon warhammer or dragon claws drop to wilderness bosses at a very rare drop rate.
5. adding chance of onyx/ or zenyte gem to rogues chests in wilderness
6. more lower level pets, like fire giants, barrow brothers, goblins, hill giants, ankou , etc.
7. add back the 10 second attack timer in pvp worlds for safe zones to prevent some of the rushing
8. redwood bow that shoots dragon arrows
9. a runecrafting or agility mini boss similiar to wintertody
10. soul wars/ fists of guthix/ or stealing creating
11. ivy to choop down with woodcutting
12.additional farming seeds such as honeydew melon, mangoes, grapefruit, dragonfruit, kiwifruit, blueberries, cantaloupe. etc.
26-Jan-2017 23:06:07