Category: Sales
Had an idea that could possibly help out here. With the G.E dominating local markets, the general stores aren't getting as many people selling to them as they used to. This new rework would give a favor system to General stores and favor you for purchasing and selling to them. Favor % would be generated at the moment of a sale/purchase and lost weekly if you don't hit a certain sales quota. At each milestone of % favor, the shop owner will do something more unique for you, to boost his/her sales, and help keep your pockets lined a little better.
10% favor: 1/5 items sold will go into a special store vault, this does not affect the stores sellback, meaning, I sell 10 items, and the store will only show than 8 are in stock, meaning I get the price at 4 items in stock twice
25% favor: The shop owner appreciates your business, and will have a specific type of item he/she will buy from you at specialty store price, meaning I can sell silk to a general store in Varrock for the same price they would buy it in Ardy).
50% favor: 1/2 items sold will goto the special store vault, doing effectively the same as 10% favor, but slightly better for sales.
75% favor: The shop owner will buy a random group of items AT G.E cost, this could be extremely random, and can be any item in runescape, meaning a whip could sell for G.E prices if you're extremely lucky that day(Chances would need to be something like 1/100k).
100% favor: the 10/50% favor abilities go away, but now a shop owner will buy everything you sell AT cost, after 100 items bought, he/she will go down to 90% cost, and this will also unlock a sell 500 feature.
Since the shop owners are being so generous with these sales, they only apply to Ironmen or self-proclaimed ironmen(Someone who hasn't used the grand exchange/traded with players to make any purchases or sales in the past 6 months).
Obviously there's probably loopholes or problems with this idea, but I'm open to critique.
20-Jul-2020 22:52:11