I personally would like to see a change to the Pet drop system..
First off.. I understand that it is completely random every kill with a 1/5k chance for GWD pets for example. However I feel that pets should reflect the amount of effort and kill count put in to a particular boss to show just how elite your skill level is at defeating that particular boss. I believe that pets should also serve as a "trophy" of your accomplishment to how many boss kills you have.
My suggestion would be to keep the completely random 1/5k drop rate roll for everyone, but allow those that have killed thousands of a particular boss to have their chance of receiving the pet drop slightly increased for each milestone of kills they achieve and still have not received the pet.
For example, I personally have killed THOUSANDS of General Graardor, Commander Zilyana, and Zulrah. And also have killed many hundreds of Kree and Kril and still have ZERO pets in the game. My point is that it is rather frustrating when you have put in the effort and kills for thousands of a particular boss and have yet to receive a single pet drop when other players have multiple pets and have only killed just a few of each boss.
Again I understand that is fine because every kill is a 1/5k chance and they have just seemed to get extremely lucky. However I believe there should be a system for those players that actually deserve the pet drop after putting in the effort of thousands of kills.
I am not asking for pets to be guaranteed but simply a system to improve the chance for players that have so many kills. Even if the chance improvement is very small. For example a player that has 2,000 Graardor kills and still has yet to receive a pet drop, after 2,000 kills your chance goes from 1/5k to 1/3k or something along those lines. It just seems a bit unfair when so many people have multiple pets with very few boss kills and players like myself with thousands of kills for each boss still have ZERO pets
23-Jun-2015 10:18:44