The following spells should be available for F2P players: Snare, Wave Spells, and Tele-Block. This change serves the goals of both members and F2P players, as well as Jagex's.
First off, for balance and consistency's sake:
- F2P melee allows equipment up to rune (one below dragon).
- F2P range allows arrows up to adamant (1 below rune).
- Arguably makes sense for F2P to get yew bows and rune
arrows due to amethyst, but range is already OP so no need.
- F2P mage allows freeze spells up to bind (2 below entangle).
- F2P mage allows damage spells up to blast (2 below surge).
- F2P mage's max hit is 16 and caps at level 59, whereas range can max 18 and melee over 30, and both cap at like 97-99.
- Bind is relatively useless, and snare really isnt that strong. P2P players still have all of the ice spells and entangle, giving snare is not too much for F2P.
Secondly, I think the additions would revitalize the F2P wilderness and PVP worlds, which would be amazingly fun for players.
- TeleBlock would add so much to F2P pking content, especially when paired with snare. It would finally be viable to hunt random players in the wilderness and PVP worlds, bringing back the intensity and danger of those areas.
Finally, I belive this change is beneficial to all the parties I mentioned. The changes are very obviously hugely beneficial to the F2P community. However, the "F2P community" that this change is most likely to affect (people who can afford blood runes, or have 85 magic in F2P), probably in made up of many players who also pay for membership, but enjoy F2P as well, or players that have other accounts with membership.
Requiring an account to have 85 range and magic in F2P is no small order, and it would definitely incentivize people who want to have these beastly F2P account to get bonds to train. As these people train and experience the P2P content, they are likely to continue subscribing and playing for members perks, while also F2P pking.
As someone
22-Jan-2019 12:37:29