Renew fist of guthix in OSRS.
Sometime in 2008, Fist of Guthix was realised on RS3. This minigame brought a lot of enjoyment to the F2P community, and P2P; reaching neatly 100,000 players being ranked on highscore board. For those whom are not familiar with the minigame, it's simply a 1v1 game mode, whereby one is hunted by a hunter, and vice versa. Some players in Fist of Guthix played the minigame for the rank, whilst others for the free magic xp, whether it was for the xp or the competition, both parties had fun. The rewarding system for F2P was quite astonishing, having a nice shield, giving you some strength bonouses.
With the release of F2P in OSRS, a minigame like this would be an amazing add-on for the players. Most OSRS updates that have been introduced weren't strickly 2007 patches, they varied (2006-2009+).
I will keep this an open forum, anybody can bump, and if you support, please say so. We can have few alternations with the rewarding system so it fits with the OSRS scheme. Factors like these could be poll'd for future players to vote for.
13-Mar-2015 02:37:25