How about a poll on a pay stat transfer from rs3 to osrs (rs2)...It was unfair of you (Jagex) to move our Rs2 characters off of rs2 without permission or knowledge. Rs3 should have had the "start over" when it was released and our rs2 characters should have been left alone (like Runescape classic was left alone when Rs2 was released). You say you wont move characters back, but what if we pay for the move. thus you get revenue and we get what we miss. Its a fair trade. I have posted a lot in forums about Rs3 to Osrs transfers and I have a solution to the problem, and that is pay to recover.
rules to a pay transfer-
1. Pay transfer is to stats only.
2. quests and items are all reset and must be redone/recollected.
Perks if you decline the recover-
1. Membership you bought on old character (1/2 the amount of membership) is given to your new character.
2. Random bonus XP given as loyalty reward (monthly xp rewards for logging in 10xp per day you logged in that month in all stats even member stats).
10-Mar-2015 18:28:09