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Fixed crystal items
I would like to see crystal items made more relevant, even preferred items of choice.
They should be somewhat as durable as barrows items.
The crystal bow. The crystal bow is lvl 70 equipment and has very high requirements in comparison, in fact highest of any equipment in the game. It is still far outperformed by lvl 50 magic shorbow and lvl 65 runite crossbow.
Crystal bow's maximum charge (2500) could be at least doubled, for currently, one will need several crystal bows in one's inventory for a longer trip.
Crystal bow could be fixed more powerful than we see now, compared to the rune cbow, possibly by lowering rune cbow's stats a little bit and raising crystal bow's.
Finally recharging crystal items should be doable at a much more convenient location. For example, in a major city. I don't know if there are fairy rings in elf areas, but I think you should be able to get an easy access to recharging without extra quests after completing Roving elves.
I would like to suggest to poll some changes to long-forgotten crystal items.
29-Jan-2015 13:26:15
- Last edited on
29-Jan-2015 13:40:29
Tosi Vahva