Run energy should restore faster depending on the player's agility level.
There are going to be some "old-school" hotheads that oppose this, but think about the bigger picture here. As a player who once played the old Runescape (I'm talking before 2007, before the stronghold of security, before Falador was painted white), I enjoyed the simplicity of the game. I did not enjoy having to walk places because I was out of energy. Nobody did. Changing the rate energy restores would be a convenience update, much like how the walking system was fixed and how there is left-click banking and how gilded altars now use all bones at once. Because all of this new content was added, it seems like the community wants to improve the game.
Can you believe that people voted no on using the mouse wheel to control zoom? That was a convenience update would have benefited everyone, yet people prefer to suffer, to prove to somebody that they are "hardcore oldschoolers".
I'm not sure about the formulas for run energy on the current Old School/RS3 servers, but just to keep those "die hard oldschoolers" happy, we could make it scale heavily depending on the Agility level, so it still restores slowly at lower levels, but matches the rate that run energy restores prior to the recent run update on RS3 when the player hits levels 90+.
29-Dec-2013 20:22:11