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Posts: 17,856 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The way Split Chat is now, it can be obstructed by effects such as those in the Dusty Well while trying to kill Dust devils. The chat seems to be behind the effects making it difficult to see. It should be the other way around.
Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est.

28-Dec-2013 01:58:57

Jul Member 2010


Posts: 329 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
These are just some of my ideas that I have been putting down on a notepad document as they came to me. Some are big and some are small, but I thought I should include them all.

OLDSCHOOL UPDATE IDEAS (In no particular order)

*Bigger click-zone for mounted amulet of glory.

*Altar in White Knights Castle.

*Clicking on the compass makes your screen point north.

*Expand rare drop table and make ring of wealth more useful.

*Make negative weight have an impact on run energy --(Graceful outfit is not very useful at the moment and this would help a lot).

*Offer strange fruits as one of the rewards for the upcoming minigame rewards shop (and maybe for nightmare zone too?).

*Repoll the option to hold down the mouse wheel to rotate the screen (I was silly and voted NO to this, but now I see how it could be useful to many people and maybe even myself).

*It is very difficult to enchant jewelry at the moment and i always lose where I was and accidentally try to enchant things that have already been enchanted, or I skip rows. Would it be possible to have a "Make X" or "Make 10" option for enchanting, or maybe slightly change the color shade of either the enchanted jewelry or unenchanted jewelry so it is easier to tell them apart?

*More Achievement Diaries.

*Just like how it now shows on the bank the ratio of items we have over how much bank space we have, could this be done with the Quest list, Friends list, Ignore list, and Music tracks?

*XP till next level and ability to set skill target goals.

*Bank tabs and more bank space! mostly bank tabs though!

28-Dec-2013 06:46:07

Jul Member 2010


Posts: 329 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*I'm not sure if this would get much support, but I think it would be nice if the bank deposit boxes where located just outside of the banks beside the entrances since their current location in most banks makes them very useless.

* A "Deposit All" button for the bank deposit boxes.

*I have noticed the "fire remains" located in the wildy and some dungeons. I think it would be fun if a tinderbox could be used on these to light an actual fire =).

* Entryway in the back of the Lumbridge Castle Wall.

*Make the first option for a lit torch be "Use" and not "Extinguish". This would make smoking lizard traps a lot more viable.

* After you click on the rule that somebody broke in the "Report Abuse" window, say "You are reporting _________ for breaking rule # ______, is this correct?". During giveaways that people have where they tell people to spam trade them and then they randomly click on all of the trades, I have accidentally reported them because I was clicking trade too fast. Also I don't think a confirmation window could hurt anything... ( If anything it would just make the abuse reports more accurate).

*In the second trade window have a button you can click that reports the person you are trading with for scamming. Oftentimes when trading in world one people attempt to scam me and then when I click decline and try to report them quick they run away into the mass of people.

*In the skill guide for slayer include the slayer masters and what level is required to get tasks from them.

*Ability to click on last visited clan chat and last visited POH.

*Have something on the oldschool main page that announces if there is a twitch stream happening at that moment and/or have the town criers shout this ( I always seem to miss the streams =(

* Something that makes it more clear which way rooms are being built in our house. I'm dumb and have built rooms the wrong way before and it wastes money when I have to remove and rebuild them =(.

28-Dec-2013 06:47:05



Posts: 191 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would love for there to be an option to release imps from imp boxes without having them send items to the bank..because what if I want to reuse the imp box but don't have anything to send to the bank?
On the internet, nobody knows you're actually a cat.

28-Dec-2013 18:51:42

Dark All Day
Jul Member 2023

Dark All Day

Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. Grand Exchange
2. Bank Tabs
3. Clan wars
4. Stealing Creation
5. Soul Wars
6. Summoning
7. Overloads
8. XP Drops
9. Reduced Amount of Randoms (got randomed while i wrote this lol)
10. Runescape in Full Screen makes me feel that rs isnt only a game in the internet

Thats all i think.

28-Dec-2013 22:12:11

God IVIode

God IVIode

Posts: 85 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bring out some method to switch defence exp on and off completely ( preferably via right click in the stats menu ) before the evolution of combat update i had accidently hit defensive going for the spec bar ( and leveled my defence ) and i felt like i'd just wasted all of that effort.

Pros: I think it's fair to say a few players are here for the old combat system, including the option of molding their character in any which way they please.
It doesn't make sense that we should have to deliberately avoid pressing anything, players deserve complete freedom !

Cons: none.

Pures are a huge part of this games community and shouldn't have to constantly be careful, thanks for reading.

edit: ofcourse this post is intended for pures and in order to not interfere with previous polls should not include exp from questing..

29-Dec-2013 14:13:48 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2013 14:25:23 by God IVIode

99 Hp Untrim

99 Hp Untrim

Posts: 95 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bring actual clan chats, where you can actually physically join the clan. The xp tracking for the clans was a fun way to join in with the community. I don't think the citadel is really needed but if people want it, then it wouldn't bother me but I like the idea of helping your clan reach new heights by gaining xp. It also helps bring the community together. That's just my outlook on it.

29-Dec-2013 17:10:13



Posts: 386 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Run energy should restore faster depending on the player's agility level.

There are going to be some "old-school" hotheads that oppose this, but think about the bigger picture here. As a player who once played the old Runescape (I'm talking before 2007, before the stronghold of security, before Falador was painted white), I enjoyed the simplicity of the game. I did not enjoy having to walk places because I was out of energy. Nobody did. Changing the rate energy restores would be a convenience update, much like how the walking system was fixed and how there is left-click banking and how gilded altars now use all bones at once. Because all of this new content was added, it seems like the community wants to improve the game.

Can you believe that people voted no on using the mouse wheel to control zoom? That was a convenience update would have benefited everyone, yet people prefer to suffer, to prove to somebody that they are "hardcore oldschoolers".

I'm not sure about the formulas for run energy on the current Old School/RS3 servers, but just to keep those "die hard oldschoolers" happy, we could make it scale heavily depending on the Agility level, so it still restores slowly at lower levels, but matches the rate that run energy restores prior to the recent run update on RS3 when the player hits levels 90+.

29-Dec-2013 20:22:11

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