I have thought this out and 07 is based on player choice updates and is on the players feed back. 07 only has a limited amount of bossing where the newer runescape has tons amount. Mith drags have been at the top in the dragon category for the longest time, why not introduce adamant and rune dragons and to keep from prices of anything going down why not make a quest and quest requirements to be able to access and kill them letting them drop the usual bars,vissage,dragonfullhelm, etc but these can drop such as dragon claws,dragon plates (or pieces to make these) a new range armor for 80+range a new melee armour and weaponry for 80+ att /def and as the same with mage, though godwars is pretty fun right now why not make a harder boss such as the adamant and rune dragons and why not make it in 07! just throwing out ideas and would love to see these be implemented in 07scape
01-Dec-2013 12:51:12