Add new ressources in the first stage of Zeah that would be untradable, but would act as any type of log/fish/ore and you could alch the bow/metal item when done giving a good reason for people to skill instead of doing zulrah.
You would rarely get the highest tier ressource you COULD obtain and more often the ones that are about 65-75% of your level. you could also rarely get lower than 40% of your level.
You would mine/fish/wc at the same spot whatever your level (Like MLM), but get higher tier ressources. the cooked fish would heal 0.25% fishing level and require same cooking level with an about 70% cook rate at the same level.
Same for wood except bows could be alched for a decent price (higher than current bows) and require same Fletch/fm level to use as your wc level.
Mining and smithing would work the same way BUT i dont think the community would like to see ** level 99 smithing items so not sure what to do about those. (same for tools)
The xp rates would be balanced so that WC doesnt get more than 40k xp per hour (90-99) but you could make 600k/hr doing the whole wc, fletch, string and alch process.
Mining would be around 20k/hr (90-99) and give around 600k/hr too for the whole process.
Fishing would be around 30k xp/hr (90-99) giving around 4 inventories of food Healing about 22-25 per hour and maybe some fish could have special effects since this is the most underpowered skill update i suggested.
Hi. Currently, the only way to get most tree seeds in old school is to get from a birds nest (correct me if I am wrong). There are three ways of obtaining bird's nests in the game: a chance of them falling on the ground while you chop trees; a chance of receiving them through the managing your kingdom minigame; and exchanging giant mole parts for birds nests in Falador.
The latter method yields nests that contain non-tree seeds. Therefore the only way to receive a birds nest is through chance. And each bird nest uses chance to determine its loot. Thus tree seeds are a tad too difficult to obtain unless you generally do a loot of woodcutting while not afking, and always do the managing your kingdom minigame.
Therefore, I propose that the giant mole exchanged birds nests have the ability to rarely obtain a tree seed. This would not flood the market with new tree seeds because it would be only a very minor increase, but it would greatly increase the ability for iron mans and people who do not want to spend money on seeds to obtain for tree seeds: kill the giant mole.
Even then the chances of getting wont be very high. Also adds more incentive to kill the mole.
Has slightly better stats than the basic elemental staffs, has a quest requirement to obtain, multiple steps to craft, is non-tradeable, and yet it has the exact same appearance as the regular staff.
It'd be cool if it had the same color scheme as the general Zanaris appearance. (Sky blue colors, glowing, other neon colors, etc.) Maybe have the moving star-like things on it like what's on a Dramen tree.
-Shuffle button for the Runescape music in-game which would play a random song and can be looped to have a continuous playlist .
-A music cape called something along the lines of "Adventurer cape" obtained from unlocking every song. This cape would show you have ventured all over Gielinor. More requirements could be added to obtaining this cape if that seems to easy.
-When barraged or snared there could be some sort of indication of when you will be able to move again. Possibly show your character in some ice that slowly melts over the 20 seconds as well as roots slowly disappearing when snare is going to run out.
-Zamorak Godsword buff could be as simple as having the special only be a 50% cost instead of 60% or at least a small chance for it to consume 10% less. This would allow you to potentially freeze 2 players back to back making it amazing for mini-games such as Castle Wars or in multi wilderness.
-The tokkul shops need to be re-done, could be a great small tweak alongside the upcoming jad pet and tzhaar slayer task updates. Adding more then just gems/runes/thzaar equipment, this original and literally untouched shop could be a very valuable way to add items that are either untradable or give the shop more use. I really like how tokkul is untradable and how this cool city has a shop but I'm not currently sure what items could be implemented or what changes could be made just an unfinished idea. Maybe more tzhaar related pets?
Move some drops from skeletal wyverns. They are too profitable currently. Also add some minor drop buffs for Nechs and Gargs and Spirit Mages. Nothing drastic but something noted that makes them worth doing. Also if possible not something that kills a skill. So many like more rune weapons for alchables but not noted magic logs or noted sharks etc.
Proud 28%er
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