Remove Revenants from Krystilia tasks list due to 100k revenants cave fee introduced by latest update. Low/Mid level players (especially ironman) will have really hard time to keep up with that fee just to do slayer task
same concept as burying bones but with ash, little pray xp when killing demons also if it was made that fire ash was spreadable could make FM more relevant other than just doing WT to 99.
Make it possible to buy back a lost uninsured pet for a very high price (10m for example)
In-game it could be like you hire a skilled hunter to track down your lost pet, but not for a cheap coin, since your pet could be anywhere in Gielinor.
Utility box, don't know in witch POH room, you can put items like seed box, herb sack, rune pouch, coal bag, gem bag, planks sack and any other storage items that there are, but every one of them has to be empty.
A small Game message informing the player a mark of grace has been generated for their agility course lap would be nice. Perhaps flavored with the word "grace" or "graceful."
I think we should bring back the random events that can kill you, such as the tree spirits, exploding rocks, or the Evil Chicken etc etc... I think this would not only help combat against bots, but would also give a more of a purpose to a random event. Many events now seem completely pointless or skipable, which doesn't really make too much sense for a content aspect.
It could also bring back a good nostalgia trip for the oldie veterans and something exciting and different for the new players. The older random events seemed mysterious and
random, and they can bring a different sense of adventure back into the game.
1) Tweak the appearance of Guardian Drakes to make it easier to distinguish them from regular Drakes.
2) Smooth out the attack animation of the Abyssal Bludgeon (at the moment it is very jagged).
3) Allow Slayer's Enchantments to be used on the Staff of the Dead. At the moment the enhanced Magic Dart is almost never used, and this might make it more usable without it being too strong.