
Small Suggestions Thread Thread is sticky

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Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dear reader, I would like making the suggestion of moving two NPC's in the center of Darkmeyer. These NPC's are non-aggressive and are called Haemas Lamescus and Valentina Diaemus. They are near the Darkmeyer Castle gate where they often body block the Vyrewatch Sentinels, which can be quite annoying since these NPC's currently serve no other purpose than to fill up space (which I get for thematic reasons), but this spot is commonly used for killing Sentinels and their presence makes it a bit annoying sometimes. Maybe move these two NPC's to the slave auction area? Road to max ongoing!

16-Oct-2020 12:07:12

GP Wentwerth
Mar Member 2020

GP Wentwerth

Posts: 234 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I supposed I should have added my suggestion to here first....

Could we add painted heraldic armors like plate bodies and plate legs/skirts to match the painted helms and shields?

Also, could all trade-able party hats be pared with the sagacious spectacles?

16-Oct-2020 17:13:45



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Today's Revenant Caves Proposal news post mentioned a lack of feedback, but didn't provide any links on where to provide it, so I hope this is appropriate. I have yet to participate in the revenant caves, mostly due to the controversial state that it's currently in. My account is an ironman, so I can't speak much about the PvP aspect, since I know so little about it. However, in order for the proposed changes to be effective, I think a little more needs to be done. Firstly, I think that in addition to the requirement to pay to enter the caves, I think it is necessary for you to be placed at the beginning of the caves, or perhaps outside of them, upon logging out or world hopping, so as to inhibit clan protections. I also think that the previous update that nerfed the bracelets of ethereum were inadequate, and I think it should instead be removed entirely, making the revenants require more resources to kill. My main concern, however, are the uniques on the revenant drop tables. Many of the main drops can be found elsewhere in the game, and are simply there to be alched or sold for profit. The three wilderness weapons, as well as the ancient crystals used to construct the PoH obelisk, can only be dropped from the revenants, making them quite difficult to obtain. The ancient crystals have relatively little value, so I think that increasing their drop rate would do little to affect the profits of revenants. I understand that the wilderness weapons, especially Craw's bow and Viggora's chainmace, are pretty valuable. But could they possibly be added somewhere else, presumably at an even lower droprate than they already have? Possibly to Larran's chest, since wilderness slayer could definitely use a buff. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining, I just wanted to provide my honest feedback on it. I still love the game and appreciate everything you all are doing!

16-Oct-2020 22:52:42



Posts: 51 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
MINING CAPE! WHY NOT let themining cape have a small chance to give an extra ore when it comes to runite, even its a smaller chance than the others, i mean, u did grind alllll the way to 99, lol the pj timer, where u can be attacked by numerous players in a pvp scenario in the r*v caves sounds terrible, i would love to see just the single way combat period, so people like myself( and everyone i know) can for the first time actually enjoy this content known as the r*v caves.

16-Oct-2020 22:54:24

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 30 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
npc in f2p that will pay you %50-%70 market price on members item so you can get a bond. its a horrible deal for you but if all your items are in members items it could be worth it to some.

Money dump
Item dump
maybe less begging

im tired of logging in a week after my bond lapsed and not having gold but only items. i will take the L and sell items.

18-Oct-2020 19:41:33

Draco Burnz
Dec Member 2011

Draco Burnz

Posts: 79,296 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
deadeye53355 said :
Would it be possible to get a firewood box added to the parlor and bedroom of the POH? Right now the only way to get a fire is to remember to bring some logs with you.


Maybe add a smaller version of the ones they put next to the beacons in rs3 or something to that effect.
Draco Burnz
Anime Fanatic
Defender of the logical

19-Oct-2020 23:14:21

I Camba I
Nov Member 2018

I Camba I

Posts: 1,613 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Improving Mage Capes

There has been a many upgrades overall for Magic combat styles but there are a a few things still missing to balance out the 2 combat styles. The god capes are an easy to obtain item that gives a +15 magic attack bonus & a +2 magic bonus. This is a great boost yes , but still unbalanced compared to other Meele & Range.

For example:

- Firecapes that involve having to kill Jad
- Provides +2 Prayer bonus & +4 Strength Bonus
- Inferno cape that involves having to kill Zuk
- Provides +2 Prayer bonus & +8 Strength bonus
- Basically end-game content, gear & intense pvming skills required
- Ava's Accumulator gained after Animal Magnetism
- Saves 72% arrow ammunition
- Ava's Assembler gained from a Vorkath head
- Dragon Slayer 2 (Grandmaster Quest) required
- Saves 80% arrow ammunition
- God Cape gained after a miniquest ....
- Dropped after killing Justiciar Zachariah, Porazdir, and Derwen
- Easy pvm bosses to kill
- No runes saved per cast
- No prayer bonus given
- No range defense given

21-Oct-2020 16:58:11

Nov Member 2018


Posts: 112 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Fishing skill - catch and release

Offer the ability to release caught fish back into their water (or lava) source, as an alternative to right-click dropping catches while also providing one-tenth (or some similar small amount) of the XP rates for having caught them. There may be a way to unlock this fishing method through some NPC, activity, or questline, and it should be a forced-slower but animated process compared to dropping the fish.

21-Oct-2020 21:07:14 - Last edited on 21-Oct-2020 21:08:03 by Disloyal

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