Today's Revenant Caves Proposal news post mentioned a lack of feedback, but didn't provide any links on where to provide it, so I hope this is appropriate. I have yet to participate in the revenant caves, mostly due to the controversial state that it's currently in. My account is an ironman, so I can't speak much about the PvP aspect, since I know so little about it. However, in order for the proposed changes to be effective, I think a little more needs to be done. Firstly, I think that in addition to the requirement to pay to enter the caves, I think it is necessary for you to be placed at the beginning of the caves, or perhaps outside of them, upon logging out or world hopping, so as to inhibit clan protections. I also think that the previous update that nerfed the bracelets of ethereum were inadequate, and I think it should instead be removed entirely, making the revenants require more resources to kill. My main concern, however, are the uniques on the revenant drop tables. Many of the main drops can be found elsewhere in the game, and are simply there to be alched or sold for profit. The three wilderness weapons, as well as the ancient crystals used to construct the PoH obelisk, can only be dropped from the revenants, making them quite difficult to obtain. The ancient crystals have relatively little value, so I think that increasing their drop rate would do little to affect the profits of revenants. I understand that the wilderness weapons, especially Craw's bow and Viggora's chainmace, are pretty valuable. But could they possibly be added somewhere else, presumably at an even lower droprate than they already have? Possibly to Larran's chest, since wilderness slayer could definitely use a buff. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining, I just wanted to provide my honest feedback on it. I still love the game and appreciate everything you all are doing!
16-Oct-2020 22:52:42