Initial thoughts stemmed from wanting the ability to smith Cannon Balls while at the Blast Furnace. Currently, the issue we face when smithing cannonballs is that the simply take a long time to create. Mains opt to buying them which has encouraged a large market of gold farmers and botting in the cannonball industry.
On the large piece of machinery we know as the 'Blast Furnace', create an option to interchange moulds from the spot you pick up the newly smelted bars. Currently, there is a 'set-mould' that makes bars... But what if we are able to adjust that? In a real world factory setting, this is common practice.
For the sake of this post, I'll keep all ideas based around cannonballs and not other moulds (necklace, rings, etc..)
To counter-balance the issue of a potential cannonball price crash, when the cannonball mould is attatched, the coffer then increases the amount of money it saps. Another possible solution is making it so you simply receive less cannonballs per bar. Or permutation - Do both!
- Unlock of interchangeable parts can come from a new quest reward.
- Initial thought credit goes to my Clan Chat "Web n Ohh"
I've got a suggestion for a possible solution to the problem with 3rd party swapping.
Make it so that you can add and remove bonds from the bond pouch across different modes. For example, you buy a bond in RS3, put it in your bond pouch then log off, log into osrs, take the bond out then sell if on the grand exchange for osrs gp. This makes it completely safe to swap gold over from one gamemode to another, and the prices of bonds would regulate based on the value of gold on the different gamemodes. You could just do this for the osrs main game and DMM as well since swapping seems to be a rather large part of that gamemode.
Similar to the QOL update for skills using item on item i.e. knife on logs or herb on vial of water, I think the deposit box could use a similar update. When using item on deposit box, you have 4 options, deposit 1, 5, X, 10. The update would make it so you would still have the same options but big clickable icons and the "space" option to repeat the previous option you've used.
18-Sep-2020 17:53:16
- Last edited on
18-Sep-2020 17:59:49
Dr Booty PhD
Wondering if it was possible to release trimmed versions of boots and special boots (like red zamorak boots) etc. Looks odd wearing God armour or any trimmed armour with plain boots to get the stats that go with them.
Would it be possible to be able to switch the tabs around on mobile devices? Currently mobile players in the wilderness have no chance of surviving but if you could move for instance the prayer tab to the left hand side, it would make it a bit more realistic.
Would it be possible to be able to switch the tabs around on mobile devices? Currently mobile players in the wilderness have no chance of surviving but if you could move for instance the prayer tab to the left hand side, it would make it a bit more realistic.
there is no point in adding the yew bow without the rune arrows as the dps would remain the same pretty much. the accuracy bonus wouldn't make much difference either since most f2p monsters have low defence.