would be super awesome if you guys could update the graphics for bows. Like add bow strings and change the animations for how you shoot with the bow would definitely be a pretty cool small fix!
Please give us some sort of quest for stray dogs. It's sad seeing them wonder around with flees.
If someone needs to give a bone to a dog in Varrock for the diary and has already done the dog quest, they could give the dog the bone in the palace as I'm sure at the end of the quest that's where the dog would end up.
I'd just like to request a tabbed spellbook interface.
I like the idea of filtering spells, but at some point, we should have tabs that we can pre-define to have certain classes of spells (teleports, for example).
I, personally, would be fine with Jagex pre-defining it themselves, but I know others would squawk at not being able to customize it. So... Let's make it user-configurable while we're at it.
Legend's cape buff.
My suggestion is to add some kind of extra stat benefit to the legends cape. Currently, it has +7 across all defensive stats whereas the obsidian cape has +9. Something as simple as a +1 melee strength bonus which could either be the default for finishing the Legend's quest or it could be locked behind the Ardougne achievement diary. The cape is currently underpowered when considering the obsidian cape has higher stats and doesn't require the lengthy quest to be complete first.
Can we have a poll question about the Entrana Hops patch being relocated to somewhere else near Port of Sarim area so it is easier to access without having to bank our entire inventory and gear setup for the monks?
As a mobile user, I would like to be able to turn on notifications for when my friends log in.
- Maybe something like the lobby in RS3 could be used?
- This would encourage people to play more, since they would know when their friends are on
As a mobile user, I would like to have a separate chat interface to improve readability.
- Currently as a mobile user it can be hard to read chat and reply to chat
1. Account storer on login page. Basically allows us to save log in names in a drop down, etc
2. Level memory. Its easy enough to skip the message when you level up due to the fact your in progress of training your stat. Then you miss out on what you can do. This way you can click on the skill in your stats and will tell you your recent level ups and what you can now do with them.