Please improve the games response to misclicking where you want your player to go. In my experience, even when correcting my misclick almost immediately, my player character still travels in the direction of the misclick for quite some time before responding to the next queue. This can make the game VERY frustrating to play especially on mobile.
I just started getting back into Osrs, and i've noticed how many bots are running rampant. I was wondering if placing dark wizards around (some, if not all) the major starting skilling areas, like how the willows at Draynor are, cause they really are haulting lvl 3 bots cutting willows. Or a Lvl 32 king Scorpion in Al-Kharid mine.
For PoH's, add buildable Sq'irk Kegs in the buildable spot for beer kegs in Kitchen. Could provide same benefits as drinking Sq'irk Juice normally but disappear from inventory when leaving PoH.
Building these kegs could give the thieving exp that trading in to Osman would give, and a slight bonus to construction exp from the materials required similar to Armor Stand spots.
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Mobile Suggestion -
I think it would be a good idea to somehow let mobile users see what runes they need for different magic use. New users will find it annoying to have to look it up outside of the app itself.
Love it. Really good idea.
This is a great idea. Something like the single click to drop but a hover option.
When mining Gem Rocks for gems, you receive 65 experience per gems such as Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies and Diamonds. However, when mining nodes like Iron or Pay-dirt in the Motherlode Mine, we receive no experience for obtaining the gems.
I understand that we are not specifically mining for the gems but would it not make sense that obtaining a gem from such a node should still warrant the 65 experience?
I just hit 99 range and i have a question about the range cape. Can you make it possible to put the ava's assembler in it?.
I think the cape is a great achievement and it shouldn't be worse then an assembler. Thanks in advance!
Can we please figure out a way to display runes required for spells in the spell tab for mobile users. I think as of now the only way to see what runes you need to cast a spell is to repeatedly click that spell and try to read it in the millisecond that its shown.