For the Mourning's End Part II quest, I would
appreciate it if you would somehow fix the handholds so that it doesn't require a ridiculous amount of luck to cross them.
It's ridiculous. The quest requirements imply that players do not need a certain Agility level to pass this particular quest, yet this horrendous issue exists.
It's completely unfair and unnecessary for those who are hoping to achieve the Quest Point Cape at the lowest possible level requirements.
Not to mention, the quest is already difficult enough with those obnoxious shadows littering the entire temple. There's no need to make it even more worse than it already is.
So what I highly suggest is that the handholds should be nerfed to the point where anyone who has all the requirements of the quest would be able to cross it.
The chances of falling should be reduced to a fair amount of being 10 - 20% rather than the 70% chance I'm assuming it's currently set on.
Or, set a certain Agility level requirement to cross it, such as 57 or something more reasonable. I've chose 57 since that was needed to cross the dense forests in the previous quests. Therefore, it would be more suitable for this particular one since it doesn't mention that you would need a certain Agility level to make it through.
30-May-2015 03:13:53