Recently I decided to try and make myself a few hundred tuna potatoes. I quickly found that this is a ridiculously difficult goal given how laborious collecting ingredients is. I would like to suggest a few QOL updates to the dairy churn and farming shops.
First, the churns. While cooking is one of the few skills to boast a make all option, this is not the case at dairy churns. I would like to see a make all option there, and possibly a faster churn time.
I would also like to suggest that farming shops get updated to sell some of the lowest level produce such as potatoes, cabbage, onions, etc. Having spent too long picking almost 800 potatoes*, I think that having a shop that sells 50 potatoes, onions, etc. would not damage the economy and provide marginally easier access to some of the best food in the game beyond elite clues. *(Also, the options on sacks could use an remove all option, or better yet the ability to empty in the bank!)
Going in hand with this farming shop change I would also suggest having seed stalls actually stock seeds. Getting my hands of sweetcorn seeds was also a nightmare.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I appreciate the hard work that all of you on the OS team put in to pump put great updates. Keep up the great work!
26-Mar-2017 19:34:43
- Last edited on
26-Mar-2017 21:17:35