Okey so my suggestion is this.
Many years ago there was country wars in runescape, Example like
So my suggestion is that would someone try to make this like an un-official tournament back to old school. Later it would be official tournament too like every year or something like that.
You can think it to rs3 too!
I Dont have much time to think this thing but it would be nice that someone try make this go to forward example any of mod's or just original player with good ideas.
Players should be able to build a replacement to the Observatory bridge, requiring both construction and agility to make and no requirements to cross.
The idea was to replace to the way it was before being broken, but other options exist to create makeshift bridges as well.
This is useful for medium cluescrolls, so the requirements shouldn't be too inaccessible. At the same time, this is a very useful shortcut as it allows players to avoid the dungeon beneath. Replacing the bridge may require materials such as limestone bricks, whitewashed stone, or marble blocks.
Players should be able to build a wooden plank bridge at the Mausoleum in Morytania with the appropriate construction level. Crossing will require an agility level. This is also helpful for medium cluescrolls.
The Kharazi Jungle should have additional vine shortcuts near the middle and west dense jungles. These would require 79 agility and Legend's Guild access similar to the current shortcut.
22-Dec-2016 03:01:20
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22-Dec-2016 03:05:14
Nice Nick
They need to fix the grand exchange price lists. like i was trying to be helpful to someone thinking an item was worth 9m so i gave 5m collateral and the item was only worth like 275k, its just a little frustrating when i spend all this time and effort getting money for it to be scammed by not having the correct information on pricing through the exchange guide.
I would like to see Magic Strings (crafted from Magic Roots) used in more items. Perhaps we can make jewelry using the new string. I would suggest that it gives an added benefit while detracting from something else in relation to existing jewelry. This would make some new useful items while keeping the current items relevant. Right now the magic string is nearly useless.
Hanzo IllI
i own god
impling jars should have a chance to receive the respective impling as a pet, maybe 1 in 1000
"this impling seems to have taken a liking to you"
I support this addition, to add on to that i think it should correspond with the impling too. i.e. 1/1000 dragon impling released has a chance for that specific type of impling to become a pet
I think upon catching would be a better way to earn the pet. That way we don't have an essentially buyable pet, especially one that would be as cool as an impling!
More uses for Mutagens from Zulrah.
Rare cosmetic reward that can only be used on helm.
Perhaps let us use it on blowpipe and both staffs that can be upgraded with the Magic Fang.
Magma + blowpipe = red
Tanz + blowpipe = green
For the staffs just change the colors to blue and red depending on the mutagen.
Would be nice because not everyone that does Zulrah can take advantage of the rare "COSMETIC" drop.
Side note: even being able to add it (and take it back) from the POH hot spot with Jar of swamp would be something.
Fletching never has had a "Make All" option for fletching logs to (u) bows however the skill shares the same speed interval characteristics as cooking (which has a Cook All option). Just an idea that could possibly be impletented into OSRS.
This has probably been said a thousand times before but we need more quests. New quests are cool but even releasing quests that were released after 2007. Loads of storylines remain unfinished and I think it's a real shame
Start with the quests that can easily be implemented into the game with few changes would be a huge reward for only a little bit of effort
Questing is one of the better aspects of this games and what made runescape always stick out compared to other MMORPGs