Guys, ALWAYS be aware of whatever link you're clicking and inserting your details. A few easy tips to avoid this are:
- You don't really trust whoever gave you the link? Don't click it. Just by clicking the link, you're risking your information.
- Always remember you're not only risking someone logging into your RuneScape account. Real-life personal information is always at risk.
- If you're not sure wether the website you're at is the actual RuneScape website or a lookalike, try clicking any other option that isn't login-related, such as the forums, beginner's guide, etc. In 99,9% of looklike RuneScape sites, these options won't redirect you anywhere. If they do, then it's probably the actual Runescape.
-If you're facing a login screen that you're not convinced is real, then try to type any random sequence in the username and password bars. If it's real RuneScape, it will tell you that the username or password is wrong. If it asks you for your authenticator, it's DEFINITELY fake.
-Something is even slightly fishy about whoever gave you the link? Don't click it. Instead, if it's really important, login on the RuneScape website, and try to find what you're looking for from there.
- Although this was already said plenty of times here, i'll say it one more time. If it looks too good to be true, it most probably is.
Making a difference... Maybe?
31-Jul-2018 07:55:30