Not really comparable.high lvl PvP is boring as hell
You can dismiss one person's opinion as subjective,
but if you asked a larger audience and found that the majority agreed with an opinion it's not subjective anymore.
I think you'd find a lot more people would agree that PvP is much more fun at lower levels.
Eh, that's sort of a stretch. I'm not sure I follow. I agree though - I found low level PK-ing more fun.
I mean if you held an opinion poll and you had 90% choose one option while 10% choose the other option, you actually have numbers that mean something. You can tell one person "yea, that's just your opinion", but asking lots of people you can come to a meaningful conclusion about how fun something is.
Ah, that explanation cleared things up. I see what you're saying.
But it is still one big collective opinion, though. Of course, telling someone "that's
just your
opinion," emphasis on just&your, you could show off the numbers dismissing that.
I thought you were saying that there's some sort of opinion threshold... i.e. once a certain number of people agree with something, it's no longer an opinion.
21-Nov-2014 16:35:13
- Last edited on
21-Nov-2014 16:38:06
Not really comparable.high lvl PvP is boring as hell
and your chance of success does not grow a you level, it drops. It be like if gwds was harder for a lvl 126 then 110!
Oh, it indeed is more unlikely to get a sigil from corp or a hilt from GWD than it is to get a granite maul from a gargoyle, which is again more unlikely than to get a limp*urt root from a hobgoblin.
Level and rewards' value go exponentially up, while the chance to get the good stuff decreases in a rather linear fashion.
First is correct but not just by me. Second is either wrong or not relevant.. Can't tell. A lvl 110 main pker is at a disadvantage to a PvP specific build. Ppl with 53+ prayer are at a disadvantage unless its 70 with piety. More then 75 is really a waste (and only if you have an ESS)!
"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"
Give me the opinion of a very high% of the player base, until then I find that opinion very subjective.
Oh, and saying "that just is the opinion of x% of players" won't cut it.
It's okay, I don't need to convince you.
Would be interesting if Jagex did more surveys though. They have the ability to get a huge number of votes for any question they ask, it would be nice to see people's opinions on things like this. Perhaps they already know these things though, because I know that for RS3 at least they have Mod Porky analysing huge amounts of data on how people interact with the game to determine what people do and don't like.