
Sailing won't come in 2023

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Jun Member 2006


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"Ultimately, we're working towards the big lock-in vote, a final yes-no on Sailing. If players are happy where we're at, we get the yes vote, we'll move towards proper betas. Assuming lock-in gets going fairly soon, we hope we could deliver our first beta maybe this year. But we also don't want to heavily spoil the skill, right? There's that feeling of mystery and discovery. So betas we're looking at primarily as a way to test the mechanics. Are you happy with how the ship navigates? But we're not going to necessarily spoil what you're gonna discover at sea. Certainly for the full skill's delivery, we're not looking at this year, it'd be way longer than that."
- Mod Kieran

Sorry to those who are expecting a good Sailing skill this year. Mod Kieran told us they are just hoping to deliver the first among lots of betas this year. As for the full skill devliervery, it will be way longer than after the end of this year.

So... now what? What do you expect to see this year given the new skill (if it comes) may linger well into 2024 or who knows... maybe 2025.

24-Apr-2023 16:59:48

Jun Member 2006


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I think from OSRS's perspective, this is more like a clarification on the timeline of this project than an announcement on its delay.

They put "the new skill" on the 2023 Roadmap since Winter Summit 2022 and promoted it as the biggest project in 2023. It probably gave a lot of players the impression this skill would be released this year. I don't doubt plenty of players bought into this promotion probably are feeling the let down now.

Anyway, all along I never had the feeling, unless OSRS want to put up some crap like Firemaking as the new skill, it could be released in 2023 when even IF everything goes well and all polls passed they would only be finishing up the design phase in mid-July.

24-Apr-2023 21:43:55

E I E dInO
Sep Member 2022

E I E dInO

Posts: 226 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
OSRS is just selling the hype of a crowd funded project, not the actual skill. A sailing themed minigame won't sell, it is going to be vaporized once it sees daylight anyway.

New players won't come to OSRS regardless of a new skill due to recent scandals, especially when renowned game critics are negative on them. Asmongold even said the game is destroyed and Jagex lost millions of dollars. Even if OSRS really had something tangible good to sell, this year will be a very bad time. Better luck next year or more like after next year.

25-Apr-2023 17:08:33

Bruce Waayne
Oct Member 2023

Bruce Waayne

Posts: 4,611 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Good i have to finish all quests before a new skill comes. I need time to mentally prepare for DT 2... :@
OSRS - Filled with harassers sad...~
- Give me Private Hiscores this should not be public information! - ! REMOVE OSRS TAX !

26-Apr-2023 00:06:28

Jun Member 2006


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I don't think the "new" OSRS "skill" requires any quest. Hopefully DT2 will come in "Summer 2023", or no later than September 2023, as advertised, or it will be more OSRS bummer.

Who know? the Winter Summit OSRS Roadmap is already faltered in grand fashion. Scheduled for "Early 2023" Official Account Build has already been cancelled and created a void in content in that time frame. We know the new skill won't come in 2023, actually way later. There is no guarantee what will happen to the remaining reveals like DT2, Forestry and the recycled Bounty Hunter.

26-Apr-2023 17:26:35

Feb Member 2022


Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It is a huuuuge undertaking, honestly after seeing so many games released before they should've (dev-wise) in the last couple years.. I wouldn't mind waiting to see a fully fleshed out addition to the one game I've actively played for the last decade. Cheers,

28-Apr-2023 15:25:09

Jun Member 2006


Posts: 30,201 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Quest Speedrunning was a huuuuge undertaking too, and unlike Sailing we knew what we were getting before the huuuuge QSR release.

We already have 2 weeks of no OSRS content updates. I hope the new skill doesn't mean frequent no update weeks in the future.

28-Apr-2023 16:21:16

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