Thank you all for the supports!
I wouldn't might seeing some other Loyalty only effect slot stuff, so far its the only non-rune-coin contaminated visible slot- the snow particles were an in-game prize- the newest effects slot addition.
Below is a quote from another thread I have-(which you all should support if so compelled to) so, some might be outright out-of-context, but the Jmod mentions are valid to be noted.
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Top of 17!
< Edit for the epiphany of someone else got top... Thanks for your support!
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TOP of 16.
this mention is still essentially the only sign of hope any of the loyalty causes has seen...
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These are the items that will be looked at:
Loyalty Point Outfits - Currently being looked at
Gazes - Looking into them disappearing during animations & making them work with forum Avatars.
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I am not sure why the thread was unstickied.
The points that were labeled as being in batch 1 are being looked at. We'll release the feedback on this when it's done.
Some problems are being fixed,
some others are not going to be changed for various reasons
^ That.
Yeah.... that doesn't sound so good yo.
Thinking about making a thread about storage solutions ninjas should implement....
O.P. of
Un-pack Packs!!