can't say i support this.
I really don't see the problem here, Jagex offers an item mall and gachapon (SGS and SoF) like every other game, Runescape's the only game with a community that REALLY cries over it though, it's things like these that earn jagex that little bit of extra cash, which is their sole purpose as a company, that has never and will never change.
At the end of the day Jagex has all of this, if you don't like it simply don't use it/spend your money on it. its REALLY as simple as that, since it isn't going anywhere so it's REALLY useless to complain about.
its amazing how people still see SoF and SGS as RWT'ing, when their wrong, they're trying their very best to justify jagex's actions as RWT'ing because they dont like it, when it seems they REALLY don't understand RWT'ing, the gold selling bots you see? thats RWT'ing, the people selling accounts.. again that's RWT'ing, jagex selling mainly cosmetic and have a wheel at a chance of stuff? that ISN'T RWT'ing, since all of this stuff belongs to jagex they can have an item mall (SGS) and a gachapon (essentially SoF) like more or less every other game has, and why? because it's their property at the end of the day, RWT'ing is when a player/individual attempts to make some form of real life profit from the game.
10-Sep-2013 17:43:17