
No, it's NOT Okay

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Gross Couple
Oct Member 2023

Gross Couple

Posts: 111 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Secondly, let me quote myself from the first page:
>"the awesome thing about membership is that its benefits cannot affect the F2P environment"

and a second argument that I did not include in the OP would be that the game is advertised as a P2P game, and no other successful monthly pay to play game has microtransactions alongside the monthly fee. The only games that can sensibly implement microtransactions are free-to-play games because they have no other way of making money; it's as if Jagex started showing ads to its members.

Also, membership does not violate the RWT rule that was put into place and it is in line with Jagex's philosophy.

In addition, this game isn't in HD because of SGS purchases. I was around when RS HD, all the new skills, and a ton of new quests were created, and I'm fairly certain that the General Store did not exist back then.


ty for proving a very valid point for all against you
you dont read up, your just ranting about something you know little about

1.) there are tons of games that have membership + micro transactions
2.) The reason were about to get 2 more skills is because of this. It even was said so in the front page, in a post by MMG. Yes, when there were 200k constant players online, and tons more people had members, and the game was thriving, sure, they could afford to up the graphics/in game content. But simply, the game isnt what it used to be, less membership base. So, how they compensate is with some harmless Micro-Transactions. Its either that, or the game shuts down, face that fact. If you hate it, quit.
3.) You did not answer my quesrtion on the first page, it infact does not state how membership is different from SGS purchases. Membership is a payment option which increases your cosmetic e-peen. Same as SGS.

Read up on your stuff before you post: http://services.runescape.***/m=forum/c=ZKm1ypp*4-4/l=0/sl=0/forums***?14,15,992,64203561
fix the link

10-Feb-2013 20:21:19 - Last edited on 10-Feb-2013 20:22:09 by Gross Couple

Nova Thunder
Jul Member 2023

Nova Thunder

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In real life people buy and match clothes that they think will make them look better, thus providing them with an advantage. Would you rather hire someone who came to your interview with shorts and a tie-dye t-shirt, or someone dressed formally?

Well I admit bringing up real life, might not be a good example, since usually job "interviews" requires some formal clothing.

Though why would rs, have in-game interviews? So still pointless, for in-game cosmetic advantage, if you'll get membership there are other ways to get some costumes.

And caring on how they look, still doesn't mean having an advantage. Being a member has a cost advantage, but that is it. No more no less. And it is just 10%.
Runescape player over 10 years - Loves to Quest, and check the lore.

deviantart : thunder-of-light

11-Feb-2013 03:09:36



Posts: 1,765 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@player 43087:
1. Apparently there are. All those games, with the exception of WoW, have not had strict anti-microtransaction policies since their existence though. Jagex has violated one of the games' long-standing principles.

2. If you read the FAQ, you can see that the reason that runecoins cost money is because developing these complex overrides and graphics costs them money, so I am going to with presented evidence to assume that the money from the Store is going back into making stuff for the store, therefore it is not contributing to the new skills or any new content, unless if you can point out where they have said that the money from the SGS is going into the new skills and quests. The forum thread that you linked to did not mention anything linking the SGS and the new quests.

3. Obviously you do not know the difference between microtransaction and monthly payments. One gives the customer a permanent advantage over other playerswhich is available in all servers while the other requires constant payment with no benefit transcending to the Free-to-play world.

@Nova Thunder: If people do not care about how they look, then why do they buy Solomon's items? To support the company? If so, why doesn't Jagex just set up a giant "Donate" button?

12-Feb-2013 21:54:42 - Last edited on 12-Feb-2013 21:56:19 by [#4VU7PXU6T]

Nova Thunder
Jul Member 2023

Nova Thunder

Posts: 1,027 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Donate Button, they got plenty of it, Solomon, membership, ... WoF (Which I'll say again that WoF is over-looking the advantages, and i don't like it.)..., and a few more. Some people donate directly.

Some ppl are just too clueless to realize that donations can sometimes come with something as a reminder. Like pins for helping the poor, pink ribbons for helping against B.Cancer, etc.

Why would Jagex be any exception? It is just visual data for cosmetic, just like those real life reminders pins.

Is it because you want it all free?
Runescape player over 10 years - Loves to Quest, and check the lore.

deviantart : thunder-of-light

13-Feb-2013 06:52:49 - Last edited on 13-Feb-2013 06:55:59 by Nova Thunder



Posts: 1,765 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ir's because when I started paying for membership, I was promised that I would be getting the "full game", and it is apparent that I am missing out on a lot of game content simply because I refuse to "donate" my money to Jagex.

15-Feb-2013 01:07:19

Age of libra

Age of libra

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okay your the boy who cried wolf on the real world trading. WAS IT NOT jagex who made this rule for there game? and i'll call bs on you saying this is Stockholm syndrome, what it is US players who HAVE jobs and EXTRA money to get ourselves something nice for ourselves and not going to mommy or daddy to ask for the money to get it. Jagex is not forcing us to buy this, we are buying this of our own free will and since jagex made the rule about real world trading (which was mainly based around people buying gold, accounts and rare TRADEABLE items) they are not in violation of their own rule as all the soloman store items are NOT TRADEABLE. Another thing, if where buying things with our money then , pardon the language but, why the hell shouldn't it give us advantages? personally i have 2 of these special pets and you want to know who got them for me? i did i work 30 to 40 hours a week i pay for my own membership i on occasion get something from solomans store and it's MY money to do that with. now if you want to sit there and whine about it then that's your problem as for me, i think i'll get another item from solomans store and laugh when i do knowing that you have to ask for the money from your parents.

oh and one more thing, this thread has to be the biggest waste of time and should be locked or deleted, as we don't need whiners who can't get their own stuff with their own money.

15-Feb-2013 02:44:17

Gross Couple
Oct Member 2023

Gross Couple

Posts: 111 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

" If you read the FAQ, you can see that the reason that runecoins cost money is because developing these complex overrides and graphics costs them money, so I am going to with presented evidence to assume that the money from the Store is going back into making stuff for the store, therefore it is not contributing to the new skills or any new content, unless if you can point out where they have said that the money from the SGS is going into the new skills and quests. The forum thread that you linked to did not mention anything linking the SGS and the new quests."


go read the home page
Mod MMG said it himself, that these micro-transactions are the reason we have the HD and the Updates that we do....

guess im done arguing with someone who doesnt look @ there facts

16-Feb-2013 18:18:30



Posts: 1,765 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@player 43087: Could you quote the exact phrase he used because I can not find it for the life of me. Also, I would not take the word of the CEO, the man whose job involves making the company look good, too seriously when he says that the companies strategies are working. I need hard data or neutral opinions.

17-Feb-2013 02:48:54

T r e
Oct Member 2012

T r e

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At this point it is just you choosing to remain ignorant now.

Plenty of FACTS have been stated to prove you wrong, yet that isn't enough for you.

It is a fact that Solomons, as well as Squeel are contributors to the rest of the game.

What sort of stupidness is it to start up a cosmetic shop, where all profits go only back into the cosmetic shop?

It has been stated countless times, by more than just MMG, believe it or not (Which you dont), where the funds from Solomons and SoF have gone.

You've been given the full game with your membership as well as access to all obtainable items in game with your membership. No gameplay has been withheld from you, nor any items.

Solomons does not sell items. It sells cosmetics. The items in game and the wares in solomon are very very different from one another. Items for the game have not been taken out and placed within solomons, so you do still infact have access to the entirety of the games actual content.

You also aren't really promised anything at all other than the ability to play the game, and even that only stretches so far, Jagex can revoke your right to play if they deem it fitting.

You were never told that if you purchased membership you would be clear of ever having to pay anything else.

A cosmetic shop is not crucial to the gameplay, and is not technically part of the gameplay. It is optional cosmetic content released for players who wish to enjoy, as well as to raise extra funds for the continuation of the actual game itself.

f2p and members both have access to Solomons, so you should probably stop holding yourself up as a higher regard than anyone else, because you think your membership makes you more important.

17-Feb-2013 03:01:07 - Last edited on 17-Feb-2013 03:08:53 by T r e

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