Bromato, let me ask you these questions here.
Have you ever lost a fight in the wild vs someone that was wielding a katana?
Have you ever been ks'd by someone using a blood pouncer @ a godwars boss? (that was due to people using the bloodpoucner) Because i can assure you my steel titan wrecks any blood pouncer or w/e there is.
Now, to move onto the looks part.
Benefit in game? It does not provide a stats benefit in game, at all. It does not benefit skilling, at all. For you to complain about this, is like complaining about people paying for membership. And i am willing to hear your argument on how MEMBERSHIP and SGS purchases (cosmetic wise) are any different.
For getting member
-whole new armour sets, that give you stat benefits, and cosmetic benefits.
-new areas of the map
For SGS purchases
-You gain cosmetic overrides, or cosmetic purchases. These provide no stat benefits
So, please counter this arguement with factual proof. And btw, i have to ask you, what detail do u play the game on (fixed sreen, low detail, HD full screen, what)
Cuz, these "SGS" purchases are the reason your game is in HD, the reason your game is still alive, the reason there are 2 new skills, the reason you have new quests all the time, the reason the map is expanding, the reason there is new bosses, the reason your able to post on this forum and complain about the game your playing right now.
08-Feb-2013 00:50:19