I'd like to have a keepsaked version of more than one type of weapon. One staff, one bow, one 1h slashing weapon, one 2h sword, one mace, one claw, one crossbow, etc etc etc.
Thanks for all the items, guys! Keep them coming and I'll start investigating adding each one listed here.
Not only that, but when storing a mainhand, be sure an off-hand becomes available. Dual wielding ceremonial swords could look cool, aswell as some quest items.
Also, be sure any item stored can be re-obtained from its source, such as balmung and the fally shield.
We can only store items that already exist in game - if there is no offhand available, the keepsake key can't dynamically create one.
And good point about the Falador shield - if you come across any items where you are only able to claim one and cannot get another after you add it to the keepsake key please let me know about them as well.
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I found it actually is applied, but only working on swords/scimitars. Would it be possible to make some of these weapon overrides apply to all one handed weapons regardless of their type?
I primarily use maces and it's a bit of a letdown that the torch won't apply to those too! (Especially when you consider the torch is more like a mace than any other type of weapon!)
Unfortunately not. Each type of weapon has a different set of base animations (idle stance, sheath/unsheath, combat animations etc) that are unique to them and we cannot pass in conflicting types otherwise your character will get very confused.
gettn paid
Can you please change Scythe to 2h swords aswell? I don't see any logical reason why it is classed as a Maul, when it has a blade at the end, If anything could you atleast make the Scythe keepsake work with2h Swords aswell as Mauls (The stats on the original scythe wouldn't need to be changed?)
It is classed as a maul due to the animation it uses when you hold it and how you use it in combat - unfortunately there are some old items that are strangely worn but we cannot change these categories or it will break their animations.
I can tell you though that the scythe will show with both a maul and a halberd equipped though.
30-May-2013 08:13:55
- Last edited on
30-May-2013 08:17:15
Mod Daze