I have keepsaked gilded rune kite shield and for some reason when I go to an F2P server the override is dismissed. Does anyone know about this problem? The override works only in members.
Please fix this issue, I bought keys, just to have full gilded when im in f2p.
If you can wear the gilded kite (without keepsake) in F2p then you should be able to as
an override. If you cant wear gilded kite (not keepsake) in f2p then its working as intended.
If you must be a member to wear an item... then you can not wear the override in f2p
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.
I tried to keepsake an "Off Hand Briefcase" , and it does not show when I am standing or running. It only shows up when I am engaged in combat. I have tried equip several different off hand items/weapons, but my keepsake item just wont show up.
Be yourself
Keepsaked Weapon (main/off hand) not showing maybe related if the weapon is
Sheath or UnSheath.
I changed my Combat Mode (settings/Combat & Action Bar) to Legacy and my Keepsaked Briefcase finally showed up! There isn't any problem after I change it back to revolution mode or other modes.
Bottom Line.
Although I do not know how to Sheath/UnSheath. I would suggest playing around the Combat setting mode, perhaps your Keepsake weapon might showed up.
Be yourself