I used a keepsake key on the Golden Torch from the ***linor Games, it allowed me to apply it and shows perfectly fine in the preview but as soon as I activate it disappears.
EDIT: I found it actually is applied, but only working on swords/scimitars. Would it be possible to make some of these weapon overrides apply to all one handed weapons regardless of their type?
I primarily use maces and it's a bit of a letdown that the torch won't apply to those too! (Especially when you consider the torch is more like a mace than any other type of weapon!)
Also; Toy Kite would be a nice addition, as would Broomstick
30-May-2013 01:15:19
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30-May-2013 01:35:50
"Please take my money and give us more slots for keepsakes. 1 main 1 off hand each for magic / range / melee and 1 2hander for them as well."
"Please take my money and give us more slots for keepsakes. 1 main 1 off hand each for magic / range / melee and 1 2hander for them as well."
this x10000
being able to keepsake 3 items makes more sense due to one of your offering being x3 keepsakes for only 300 RC.
Can you please change Scythe to 2h swords aswell? I don't see any logical reason why it is classed as a Maul, when it has a blade at the end, If anything could you atleast make the Scythe keepsake work with2h Swords aswell as Mauls (The stats on the original scythe wouldn't need to be changed?)
Thanks, I really hope you can do this, since it is a Cosmetic item anyway, and shouldn't affect anything.
Bound dungeoneering weapons don't work (Celestial catalytic staff was my test). I'm perfectly fine giving up my bound staff as an override, I don't want to have to get another one just for the keepsake.
30-May-2013 02:26:45
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30-May-2013 02:46:26