"Jagex Account Guardian (JAG), the new security feature for your RuneScape account, is now available."
I have been using it for a good week now.
So this message is kinda late.
So next time I hear someone saying.
I want the option to B itchslap him.
Please ad this option to the game.
Runman: Many people have reminded and mentioned on here to not forget your answers, try messaging jagex themselves and see if they can do something about it.
Sure it's been out for a week, but if you're around a lot of people like in a clan or something, you learn that about 90% of the runescape population doesnt even read the front page so most of them probably won't even know this exist for another several weeks.
i have to answer questions at every computer i log into,really?!?!?!? im not going to remember then all come on jagex i play at home,grandparents,aunts,and school come on really?
Here for a good time, not a long time.
11-Sep-2012 18:53:55
- Last edited on
11-Sep-2012 18:54:40
Void J
Void: Yeah and neither will the hacker that will potentially want to hack you and don't feel like answering the questions to even get on your account. Really cant you sacrifice your laziness for your account?
Hey guys,
RE: questions about the "lateness" of the newspost to let people know about JAG - it's something that's known in the industry as a "soft launch".
It was rolled out to some accounts last week in order to make sure everything was running smoothly with a small number of people, before increasing the scale of the roll-out. Or that's how I understand the launch plan anyway!
We did have the JAG FAQ up on the wiki right from launch though, so we were pointing people to that whenever they had a question.
Mod Drebin
RuneScape Community Management
It looked really good, the menu was nice and clean and it had some nice extras (like being able to see options of your account details such as memberships and ingame acheivement tabs on the side) and everything was alot more convienient and didn't require as much logging in and outs as it used to the last time I visited
The only few things I can think of that needs improving is you need to add the ability for us to set our own questions and (on a completely other section of the menu stuff) add our forum mutes,bans and offenses like you did our ingame ones
I wanna laugh at the pathetic bans I got back in 07-08
(I'm grouping all the menu's and JAG and putting them together as one item by the way).