My computer is registered but its questioning me and not allowing me on like its not but i went under settings and my "device" is still registered permanently. Kinda crap it wont let me on..
Tub h0xi
i alredy send a messaje to JAG@jagex.*** try it but i dont have any anwser meabe is because is sunday.
try in this forum to:
Quick find code: 250-251-8-63991983
Also i could answer every single thing about my account but unfortunately i cant remember exactly the guardian questions because i was so for this update and thought it be cool to have some tuff answers and obliviously ignored the fact its possible that would ***** me in my own computer some now. but i do know all the questions ansewrs, just not exactly..well if this is fixed some how looks like im forced to write it down like a printed page next time. if there is a next time......
Hi The Cool and,
It's not ok to name other players like that on these forums. Please don't do that again.
Everyone who is having trouble remembering the answers they set, please post in the thread with QFC below so that the Jmods can assist you:
JAG - General Questions: 250-251-8-63991983
Spirits of Arianwyn
| @Rae_Aus
The Jagex account guardian is an amazing idea. Not only does it protect you, Bad friends you fear that might "key-log" your account now cant, unless of course they have your email. So the one thing you guys all don't want to do is tell anyone your email address. (Not even friends)! So please make Runescape funner for yourself and get this protection right away!
To Mark Gerhard,
i have a Matter of urgency on my hands... i have been playing this game since my mates at school told be about it in roughly 1999-2000. this is my second account due to first only being hacked and lost to me for good.. i have never had a problem with hackers since then until today. My account was taken from me, my ******** was changed and for over 24hours i could not access the recover my account screen (for some unknown reason). i have worked my hardest to get to were i was in the game and i loved my achievements and friends i have made in this game.. now i feel and the thing i love soo much, (runescape) had let me down, althanks to some inconsiderate person who goes out to destroy peoples pleasures... Realistically in the long run, all im wishing was if only there was a way to stop people like this even having a chance of hurting someone like this. i am dead set wanting to cry and im turning 21 next year.. so i can only imagine how someone younger would feel if this was them... i have spent so much money on becoming a member and maintaining that and i feel now as if this game had ripped me off.. i dont feel the as if theres anything i can do to reclaim the items i had bought for skills, decoration and malee.. how can i try and play again with the feeling of someone may get into my account again... and steal my hard work all over again. in total i lost roughly 1.3billion gp. including 34k+ raw sharks, 48k+ maple logs, 1.7k d rings, 12k coal,4k mithril ore, torva (legs body and helm), full set of (karils, dharrok, guthans, ahrims, varac, armadyl (helm,plate legs,platebody), red h'ween mask and santa hat... an assortment of rune and 140m worth of herbore ingredients for 96 herby. basically i just wont to be one of those who are heard and let u know poeple are still being hacked.. i feel as thought i want to work hand in had with stopping these people from hurting others.
Please Mark contact me or someone else from your company on my email