
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Jun Member 2022


Posts: 404 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
this really nice from jagex that they send it like this way.
The micro payments i understand now.
If u get away the bots jagex mis alot of payments to pay their staff... And the micro payments are to make the cost for it.
And people dont need to blame it because you got ur own money and ur can choise if u wanna spend it on spon or coins does* matter. Its ur own choise to spend money yes or no.
Thanks for this explain, hope forward to see the update thats get rid of all those bots because this really problem 1 that you need to solve...
And one point try each week updates for the gameplay and not for the squel of shop. Because we dont got much about that.

29-Aug-2012 19:09:26

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 842 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This doesn't address any issues whatsoever.
let's think about this, Jagex brings in SoF/Solomons store and increase revenue. Resources are then spent on developing new items and ploys to add to these systems aimed at further increasing revenues resulting in an everlasting cycle of spend (develop) earn (sell spins) and re-using that cash as well as the time of developers to come up with new crap for it.
This year has been the worst year for updates I think runescape has ever had and it's just getting worse and worse, I can't remember the last update even worth noting. Idc what jagex say, this isn't good for the game and I'd bet my hand less than 5% of the community agree with selling spins.

29-Aug-2012 19:12:17



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
zaro, i was recently hacked jax response was total bull, i mentioned on more than one forum and Q&A about putting a tracker on bank accounts to be told its not possible, they can do an adventurers log, graphic for levelling but can't program a simple rolling database of say 1 month or so on an account to monitor and highlight high level trades in and out of bank accounts, including gold trading. They have a single focus and it isn't game quality its money. While I understand the business side of the game jax should remember without players they is no income, and players can communicate in more than one form of media which could be negative and not censored by jag on the forums.

29-Aug-2012 19:13:17

Labyrinth2 0

Labyrinth2 0

Posts: 1,077 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To Jagex: Thank you for the SoF an Soloman general store, it Helps me in a ton of ways! Keep up the good work!
To everyone in Runescape: If you don't like the way Runescape is, THEN QUIT! This game is Jagex's property and they can do what ever they like to it. I played since October 2005 and became a member a year later as a tip to other veteran players. I'm starting to get VERY fed up with those who just flat out don't like seeing other people level up, basically discrimination to all players on how they should play. For example: I get 5k exp lamp and like 100s of ppl over lvl 120 (I'm cb lvl 119) get so offended by that believing I don't deserve or need it, well guess what? I Got it! You MAD?! Do something about it into my face I Dare you!
As a veteran, I know the SoF and Soloman general store 6 years ago would probably be an abomination to the Jagex mindset at that time. Just face it, things CANNOT stay the same forever as they change over time. One other thing is that all you players (mainly high lvls) are SO Hipicrittical that many years ago, we DREAM we could get FREE EXP and money, then the SoF answered our message now y'all demand to get rid of it? I highly doubt if you won the 200 mil prize you would still hate it...
To sum it all up, The SoF and Soloman general store should stay FOREVER! And if you don't like it, Just quit and get out of Runescape and go play your Warcraft, etc or go do something else in your life instead of getting angry and troll and harass other people who support it. Do what ever you want with my message but it will never change my mind. Thank you!
Haters gonna Hate so come at me bros!

29-Aug-2012 19:13:17

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