Hi Jagex, I've had this account for 7 years now.
Can you please answer my question:
Do you care about your players anymore, or just money?
Every news post, I swear, you beg us to subscribe and make out as if it's the best thing ever, yet we get more promotions than contents. You money sick idiots, you realise your lust for money and your pathetic investors are the reason you're losing players, right? I respect choices such as removing the Wildy, but contradicting your own terms of use and changing them without saying anything, and not having the balls to respond to your community which HATES you, is pathetic
Jagex is now a derogatory term, as is the SoF and this game itself. This is why I never play, and I tell my friends to steer clear as well. It's now a game that's more about status than game spirit. The more money you have in real life, the better your game experience. Proof:All the recent updates.
Outrageous. I only come on here to await the day this game falls, and you go bankrupt. Next time don't hand yourself over to investors.
Bad business is bad.
03-Aug-2012 10:53:19