
Summer Party

Quick find code: 294-295-50-63920245

Rancid Skull

Rancid Skull

Posts: 444 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That last person is me. I will continue to hope that Jagex turns around, but it looks as if that will not be the case. However, I will continue to play this game, because I enjoy the game itself, not this advantage-giving content to those with money. I can't say I don't participate in the squeal, but that's because it would be xp wasted if I didn't.. it's not the same training it myself knowing others will have this bonus. This is where I stand. Even though you may not reply, I like to think you at least read this. Thanks for your time.

03-Aug-2012 02:40:11

I Hmo0b FtW

I Hmo0b FtW

Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
you guys better fix some **** man im ****** went to this forum to sign up for clan and then boom i get hacked after i sign up for clan wtf ix this game they took everything i need some answering jagex im ****** as **** i went to the forum on the green bandits to sign up this dude was talking to me o skype man fix your game those forumsours bs **** this im ****** took all my shet wtf omg fix this game i need my stuff back omfg the green bandits are ***** that forum is a ***** fix your stuff please yeah and sorry for the cussing im just mad right now sorry :( but please fix this game :( i need my stuff ack :(

03-Aug-2012 02:56:56



Posts: 18 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thats sad that they put priority on Steal Your Forturne & Solomon's Microtansaction Store over real updates. Wouldn't be suprised if they had a month of sgs and SoF with out any updates.
i think to make a point, every one should post SGS/SOF rants on every single place in the forums until Jagex gets tired of it. I think that would clearly show jagex that we dont want these sof/sgs updates.
To quote something i saw on the forums, dont remember who posted but:
first it was Runescape
changed to Rune$cape
then to Ruin Scape
Then finally Run Escape

03-Aug-2012 03:25:28



Posts: 1,889 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lmao, I just find this so amusing. 21 Pages worth of posts; with a massive average of them being negative, [just like every other SoF discussion thread you link us to in your articles] and you guys just brush it off and smile. You treat the SoF as if it is your newborn child, way too attached to it. No matter what harm or turmoil it causes you... you could never find yourself to let go.
I really give up and thinking any form of turn-around will happen for your miserable godforsaken company unless some rich game-loving miracle shows up to purchase majority shares from your greedy, disgusting, game ruining investors. I'm really glad most moderators were ridded of from the company. Whether or not you left from opinion of the game or being removed to be replaced by marketing whizzes, I'm glad.
Shame on Jagex employees; especially those who are still there and have been around for a while [ESPECIALLY CONTENT DEVELOPERS] who do nothing now but create more and more game demeaning content.

03-Aug-2012 03:32:41

Lead Wolf
Apr Member 2010

Lead Wolf

Posts: 6,105 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, I've already done my share of complaining in regards to the constant Squeal of Fortune updates... But, I do admit the summer themed rewards are pretty fun to use (ex: beach ball). So, if you're going to continue despite our feedback, I'd like to see more items as such :) .
Lead Wolf

... ''Rawr!''

03-Aug-2012 03:37:21

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