Here is what they said
Short answer: To get away from Wikia.
Longer answer: Here are a few reasons:
The state of advertisements on Wikia is horrendous and not improving.
Wikia's movement away from wiki content to clickbait editorials.
Wikia's increasing control over our site content, via things like JS review and by pushing their own videos over the actual articles.
Wikia's security history is terrible; historically, they haven't fixed a problem until someone abuses it.
Wikia's software is super out of date. MediaWiki 1.19 is six-and-a-half years old and grossly incompatible with new/updates to extensions. Security fixes and similar have to be backported and Wikia's custom additions are mostly things we don't like (and the ones we do have better extensions in current MW).
Wikia don't care about us. We had a discussion with Wikia earlier this year - most of our concerns have yet to be addressed. Not to mention the entire fiasco with featured videos, javascript review, new infoboxes, and so on. Just, they don't care about us or any community in general.
We can solve all of the above by not being on Wikia. Additionally, there’s major upside to having control over our own infrastructure:
We get to use the latest MediaWiki version, 1.31 (and keep upgrading it as updates are released).
We get to use new and updated extensions, or even create our own: we can stop using MediaWiki for exchange prices, make interactive maps, create better calculators… so many opportunities for cool stuff when we’re not limited by Wikia.
We get HTTPS everywhere by default
2FA is available for all accounts
We use a new full width skin, the same used by Wikipedia, allowing us to display more content on the page, rather than the page being riddled in advertising.
We get to expand out into auxiliary things that we can integrate into the wiki - some of you have already been using our general purpose tool server, where we're collating editing tools. There's plenty of things we can
04-Oct-2018 07:11:29