The issue for me is the fact that Treasure Hunter is more pay2win than ever before and constantly coming out with "Pay-For-XP" promotions that the company gets a TON of money from. So why do they also need to raise the price for membership, when most games with a paid monthly membership have nothing close to what Treasure Hunter is. Isn't that the point of a membership? To not have F2P micro-transactions? Then that's not even including Solomon's Store, which they also make a ton of money from as well. So why do we pay what we pay monthly as well as having all of these other nickel-and-dime tactics constantly shoved in our face? If they want to raise the monthly price, then remove micro-transactions. Otherwise stop acting like it's for "The good of the game," when it's clearly just corporate greed.
15-Apr-2018 01:31:39