I don't play Runescape anymore, however I think I should say how I feel about the price rise. I was pushed out of the market for the paid portion of the game during a price increase 4 or so years ago, I simply couldn't afford it. Back when membership was $5 I probably paid for membership nearly every month, and when it was increased to $6.95, I started to skip a month here or there, paying for membership every other month sometimes. Then it was raised again to $7.95, I could no longer afford the entertainment of Runescape membership. My membership lapsed and they continued to increase the price over time. They promised to improve the game, but a lot of the updates that were released were not seen as improvements. I stopped paying for membership 4 years ago not because I no longer enjoyed the game, In fact, I still think about it even today. But the reason I left is that I felt as if they were taking more than they were giving, and not improving the game in a way the community wanted. And the grandfathering plan is something I always felt was unfair. Not everyone can afford to pay a month to month membership. Everyone should pay an equal price for equal content. The grandfathering plan puts even more financial pressure on those poorer individuals. The game is now going to be increased to $10.99 a month starting in June, over double the original price. I hope that those struggling to play a game with an ever increasing price can still squeeze some enjoyment out of it.
I think what they should have done was have a standard membership for access to all skills starting at $5. Then add in a Membership plus (+) for additional features for those who choose to pursue them, such as new unique bosses to fight, and post 99 skills (120 Mastering). That way, nobody is forced out of what they enjoy doing. Those who just want to just skill, can skill. Those who want more content, can access it for $5 more.
But I suppose it is too late now.
25-May-2018 16:46:29