Not pleased. I have not been on board the anti-MTX bandwagon since it an understandably good source of income for Jagex, and y'all don't work for free. I get that. However, with the constant draw toward MTX and now this change in membership cost, it is becoming evident that:
1) you don't have the amount of players to sustain your company
2) you have overstretched your budget due to poor management
3) greed is becoming to dominating factor in your business model
None of this is good and any of these options are sure signs of imminent failure. You will lose more players and the cycle will continue until there is nothing left. I love RS, and I've loved it for over 10 years now. For me it's nostalgic, and happy memories can have financial worth, However, there comes a point where reevaluation of priorities must happen. Is this game worth $100/yr? No. Sorry, but that is the truth. You're bleeding us dry and it's not going to end well for Jagex. Again, I've played on and off for over 10 years, and will soon be reaching the 11 year mark. If these prices existed back then,the combined yearly cost would be a little short of $1100, not including the purchase of bonds, keys, and Runecoin. Thanks, but no thanks.
I know the response, that I'll be grandfathered in. Yay. What happens if I run into a financial bump down the road? Boom, I'm permanently screwed and I refuse to pay that price. Another response will be that payroll, building overhead, and server costs are expensive. See #2 above.
Start working on that resume.
Addendum: Brexit? Really? Collectively, you voted to leave the EU. Man up and deal with your dumb decision. Don't make us pay for your mistakes.
Doin' stuff.
11-Apr-2018 14:50:40
- Last edited on
11-Apr-2018 15:06:29