For putting on armour, wouldn't be more logical AND less abusable to just record people's percentage of health? What I mean by that is if (for this example, simple numbers) I currently have 50 health and my max is 100 health, I'm at 50% full health. So if I put on some robes and my max health increase to 1000 health, my current health should become 500, which is still 50% full health.
To abuse it, I can see people removing all armour, and getting full health, then re-equiping the gear. To prevent this, the percentage should be removed for a full minute after combat, or more. So, if I fight a goblin and lose 50% of my health, then remove my armour so that my max health drops from 1000 to 100 again (with 50 current health), and I eat some pie that heals me back to 100; when I re-equip my robes, my current health stays at 100 while my max health increases back to 1000.
13-Jul-2012 20:12:34