^So we should stick with graphics that look like cardboard? Dude, that is not a legitimate reason to hate the Beta. If that is the best reason you can find, your arguement is in shambles. And thats optimisticly speaking.
You do realize that he was talking about the general what-the-past-was-like, not just graphics. And to be honest, I would rather have '06 graphics than the current ones... I'm wearing green fremmenik robes because rune and other armours look so dang ugly. He's not just talking about the beta here, he's talking about all the changes they've made.
They've added game promotions, yelps the rwter, a "loyalty shop" now this ridiculous general store (after promising they would NEVER go to microtransactions).
They've changed obsidian to sandstone.
Runite looks like recoloured granite and like it should weigh 2000 kg.
They've effectively made "the easy way out" for woodcutting, firemaking, and runecrafting. Too lazy to train it like it was originally meant to be trained (with effort)? Click this ivy, node, or bonfire and wait 3 minutes whilst getting ridiculous amounts of xp! In the process making 80% of other updates obsolete!
If you go look up a yt video of someone playing world of warcraft (there aren't many because it's so BORING) and then look at the combat beta, you will be shocked.
They made a bot nuke that also nuked our fps, then made an fps nuke that lasted a week, then the bots all came back and overran everything in the game.
Every world in the grand exchange has a dice host or doubler scamming people.
Every other clan wars world has a luring team luring people.
The community is utter trash.
Dungeoneering is a skill.
Dominioneering isn't a skill (?).
The wilderness is utter trash.
The wilderness encourages pjing.
Runecrafting is effectively useless thanks to mushroomscape (polypore).
Hundreds upon hundreds of other things I could go on about. Jagex's "looking to the future" is never an improvement. NEVER.
19-Jul-2012 18:43:45