As of what we all know, that this update will change the meaning of Runescape to a lot of people.
I've gone around, asked people what they thought about it. It seems like 1/10 actually agree to it. The reason being to people not liking this update, is because there is a reason that people play this game more than any other. We play this game for Runescape', the way runescape is made is how we like it. Making this update is already causing people to quit and will make many more quit as a result when it hits. As a lot of players see in this update, is that this EOC will make this game look fairly as the same as many others. Also, all of Runescape fans have been playing for so long; to see such a massive update that changes the game entirely ruins their spirit of what they have been putting their time into. Old Runescape players, seem not to approve of this update, while the newer ones have. My thought of that is because the older Runescape players have had time to learn how perfectly made this game already is. These updates, people have takin' time to check it out. And to be honestly fair, my opinion of this update, is ruining a lot of accounts. One1: All of the pures 5-45 def, their accounts will be pretty much ruined. There are many pures out there, all those people will result to quitting at its rate. Two2: The wild will seem to be ruined, not with just the single pvp, but with just how combat will be changed. You can't even combo in the EOC and that is what brought SKILL to pvp. I'm pretty sure, that Jagex's opinion of the wilderness isn't very important; but it is to many, many players. Three3: As soon as I logged in on the Beta, I noticed that all armor was raised 10 levels up. So what thts telling me, is that when everyone logs in for their update, most of Runescape's players will have their equipment either on the ground or in their inventory.
To sum it all up to a result of my opinion. Make this update a Runescape 3, so people can get the better of both.
14-Jul-2012 17:28:36