Definite answers to all the questions that Summoning poses aren’t ready yet, but it’s in the same boat as Dungeoneering. We’ll do what we need to make sure it works by the end of the beta, and we look forward to the opportunity for a thorough rework later on.
If i read this correctly even when beta goes live it will still have some major problems that you'll "look forward to the opportunity for a thorough rework later on" ?
How about you get all the problems sorted out BEFORE we're forced into playing the new version of Runescape ?
To be totally honest some of us are sick to death of being given all these new star spangled updates only to find out they, either 1 don't work properly or 2 are never finished off. Take for example the Citadel, we were given a wonderful place to hang out and work together with our clan friends but after tier 7 you can only add empty plots ?..How about making it so you can repeat plots or not be able to add extra plots at all ? and also how about making it so the clan owners/leaders can check on members recourse collection in other ways. i.e via the forum..
So, getting back to EoC, although this is going to be a major update it's not going to be completely finished and fine tuned the same as all other updates we, as players, have had to endure in the past and will probably turn out to be yet another let down from Jagex.
18-Jul-2012 09:12:31