
Changes for a Better Beta

Quick find code: 294-295-35-63875020



Posts: 5,859 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To be honest this blog is finally step to right direction, but its not like nowhere ready yet.
I don't like idea of multi everywhere, because high lvls are going steal low lvls kills everywhere and you can 'crash' or is it 'crush' anywhere.
I haven't played for while, so I forgot what other issues I thought have with EoC.

14-Jul-2012 08:36:41

Jan Member 2009


Posts: 590 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I'd like to upload my face to my rs character, make this happen!!! BOOOYAHHH
Vector scale a .png file.. and allow us to pinpoint different points on the .png that correspond to chin, mouth, nose, eyes, ears"
Arcangellos: I will like to have a voice also. :P
I will love to hear my character talking out loud or quietly with the others NPC that have voice acting. :D

14-Jul-2012 09:10:18



Posts: 127 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
IDEAS for Jagex's EOC Beta
Runescape revolves around pking, it has since classic came out, let me explain. There is Fishing for food to cook or Mining for rune to smith. Combat skills to do damage to npcs and avoid or heal damage. Herblore for herbs to make into potions and dungeoneering for chaotics to use. As you can see almost all skills lead to either pking or bossing this is what Runescape thrives on. But ever since the Wilderness was removed way back in 2007 pking has slowly began dying.
So i present some ideas to help Jagex to revive the Wilderness and help save most pkers from quitting.
Number 1: There could be a new area located north of the wilderness. All the new bosses that drop the parts of armor sets and new weapons introduced in the EOC Beta would be located here.
Number 2: New resources such as dragon rocks to mine or new fishing spots for high level food near mage bank. Any more suggestions are welcome.
Number 3: New Wilderness Dungeons where you can fight bosses in groups or solo but you lose all the items you risk with no gravestone. These would be instanced for each player or group so noone could attack you. These bosses would drop the new parts of armor sets and weapons in the EOC Beta.
These are all just ideas and I am open to any suggestions or changes necessary to keep Runescape the fun adventurous game I remember. Thank you for reading. :)

14-Jul-2012 09:24:52

Ho Lee Kow

Ho Lee Kow

Posts: 84 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I only have one complaint, Iron having a 10 requirement. I spent a long time getting 70 smithing and a whole lot of time in the artisian workshop getting the 30% respect to buy the plans for an iron ceremonial sword. Also, Iron has always been an item to strive for on low level accounts because of its awesomeness. I would really like to have iron stay at level 1 to offer a better alternative to bronze.

14-Jul-2012 09:40:10



Posts: 159 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"XP Rates"
good decision, this bothered me the most when I read about these changes for the first time.
I also have a suggestion: you could add a food or potion that is dropped by proper level adversaries only and gives combat XP boost against proper levels only. This way you don't impose a restriction on the player, instead player wants to put this restriction on themself as a free choice.
"single way wilderness"
As i hate the place (and any form of pvp) if I ever go in there I will make certain to use such world where I have the best chance to get through unattacked so "small number" might not be enough.
I STILL don't understand why have you decided to force pvp combat (due to quests, clues, rc) on those of us who REALLY dislike it.

14-Jul-2012 10:50:06 - Last edited on 14-Jul-2012 11:39:57 by Gomez5014

x Shammy x

x Shammy x

Posts: 88 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why not just bring out a whole new game << Sarcasm
How about making the things we already have in RS work properly or you could try reading and developing some of the suggestion made by some of us clan owners on the clans feedback page. Or how about...Nah, what's the point, you've already said you're doing what makes YOU happy

14-Jul-2012 10:56:28

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
don't take this bad but, the coming of the beta aint good, runescape is awesome as it is RIGHT NOW, why change it??
players come to play runescape, not to play world of warcraft, if they really would want to play something like WoW then i think they wouldn't be playing rs but WoW, cb 200?? cmon seriously?? and abilities? why not keep the special attacks?? why does someone have d claws if it doesn't have it's spec?? and the different godswords, the prices are lowering now, cause they had great special attacks and in the beta this won't be anymore, abilities are MAYBE fun, but not for a game like rs.
alot of people are quitting now already because of the combat beta, and there are alot of people that are gonna quit when the beta starts for real, please don't do this??

14-Jul-2012 11:15:02

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