don't take this bad but, the coming of the beta aint good, runescape is awesome as it is RIGHT NOW, why change it??
players come to play runescape, not to play world of warcraft, if they really would want to play something like WoW then i think they wouldn't be playing rs but WoW, cb 200?? cmon seriously?? and abilities? why not keep the special attacks?? why does someone have d claws if it doesn't have it's spec?? and the different godswords, the prices are lowering now, cause they had great special attacks and in the beta this won't be anymore, abilities are MAYBE fun, but not for a game like rs.
alot of people are quitting now already because of the combat beta, and there are alot of people that are gonna quit when the beta starts for real, please don't do this??
14-Jul-2012 11:15:02