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That's only because you are assuming that I was stating the law rather than referencing to it.
Please do go back and make sure that this is the case.
You continue to take every word I say as law. I explained to you that the issue with gods/religions was only a potential example, a stab in the dark. Why would I do something like that? To show you, and onlookers that there is a lot of things to consider when taking about moving a game developer to China. It was not to argue nuances.
Have I explained this sufficiently so that you see your misinterpretation?
New Jagex? Jagex will remain the same, its the investors that will change. Yes they can change the staff after acquiring Jagex, but where is the information that suggests that they will do this?
The only information that we do have, is suggestive of a hedge during the Chinese economy slow down.
Listen, the Chinese government simply doesn't have regulations against gods and religions in their countries, not only in fictitious games, movies, television programs, books, etc, but they also have brick and mortar Christian and Catholic churches, substantial Muslim people in some of their Western states, Hinduism practitioners, etc etc etc. The fact is, they are all ALLOWED. PERIOD!!!!!
The rest of "your" points are just what you think. They don't come out of the mouths of the new Brasses. I don't tend to argue about hypothetical comments without precise sources. That's the reason I did not express my POV before my last post, and I want to emphasis it is just what I think at this point before anything factual surfaces. I may be 100% right, 100% wrong or somewhere in between.
One more thing I want to tell you is there there are a lot of foreign companies a Chinese firms can buy. I don't think anybody will just blindly dump $300 million on some dummy company as a "hedge" if they don't really have a plan in their minds. They do have plans and changes in mind
23-Mar-2016 02:56:38