Definitely against this. For one, what does a real life mining company want with an MMORPGs something they have no experience in? Second, the company is out of China, and I have had enough bad experiences with how asian-run MMORPGs are handled to know that if a Chinese company is running the game, it will likely become extremely pay-to-win and increasingly hostile toward players who don't invest tons of money into monthly MTX. And funny too, out of all the asian-run MMORPGs I've tried, the one out of China was the absolute worst. Completely ignoring players, constantly releasing unfinished and obviously untested content, removal of ingame items and equipment then making them exclusively available as super-rare prizes from MTX gamble items. Other games aren't much better. Honestly, the biggest reason I never gave up Runescape is because it's run a helluvalot better than those games. This is the only game I've played that doesn't increase pay-to-win tedium to the extreme. To me, this game feels like it has heart, like it's more than just a quick buck, and it feels like the people running it actually enjoy what they do instead of it just being "a paycheck". If this game gets sold out to China, I have the feeling everyone who gives a damn will be replaced by people who see the game as "a paycheck", and the game will lose its heart.
19-Mar-2016 03:24:45
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19-Mar-2016 04:16:37
Cinnamon Tee