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If they wanted to, they could fire every single person that works for jagex and close runescape.
Not even that.
If their yes man decides to say no, they can simply unanimously decide to fire the CEO (and other executives if they so choose) and put in people that are not only yes men, but yes sir men.
Creative Freedom means diddly **** when you put this into context.
Again, completely wrong.
You guys really have no idea whats really going on here, all this is doing is freaking out other players...
Mate, do you even know how business works? If you do, you'd know the Board of Directors is a thing.
You're not very good at this, are ye?
Actually, I do know, I've survived 3 out of the 4 businesses I've worked for that have went through this EXACT same situation here.
The 4th would of put me in a position where I could bid for chairman (due to my records with the company being wiped) and my current employers let me go in fear of me taking over.... but thats a completely different story.
The point is, I DO have experience with this kind of situation and know full well when a foreign company tries to buy out another company, they have very little freedoms when it comes to the innerworkings of a company. When the company has ZERO experience in the current company they are trying to buy, they have no freedoms in its management.
Regardless of what happens, Jagex will operate the same way they do now, if this purchase goes through the ONLY difference is where the paychecks go to and come from.
16-Mar-2016 20:03:30