I quite enjoyed playing adventure capitalist given that it was a bit of attention once a day or so and then leave it running. I think this will be enjoyable.
I'm not sure why so many people are getting het up about it, it's not taking development time from the main games and it adds a bit of lore, what's bad about that?
Nyx Succubus
I would only play idle adventures if it gave me bonuses in the actual runescape game, not some ****** bot outfit you get from playing block and load
It doesn't give anything in Runescape at-all.
It's a standalone game - most likely to be played whilst you're away from your computer.
Yeah thats why im not going to play it. Why should i halt my boss pet and pvming progress to play a runescape spinoff? Atleast if i play osrs i can xfer my osrs gold to rs3 gold with swapping fcs
I think the thing players dont like in that aspect isnt that they are different. It is that less focus is made to the core game many of us is waiting for that amazing update where we will spend our next 100s of hours in game
"Always shoot for the moon. If you miss , you'll land among the stars , which is a fairly beautiful place to suffocate and die tbh."
17-Feb-2016 16:11:38
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17-Feb-2016 16:13:46
Chibi Toon
Mod Mark
I' (and about 20 other staff in one way or another) been involved with this project from its beginning, and am involved heavily with design, gameplay, narrative, visual, everything apart from actually writing code and drawing pretty pictures. Let me assure you that its a collaboration.
In my humble opinion i should say, Paul, Andrew and Ian Gower are Runescape.
not Mod Mark.
Mod mark is more business and thats not bad for rs as it needs to grow to be maintained. We dont need to think about these things but more connections and profit mean more progression.
So i really dont blame are push hate on mod mark
"Always shoot for the moon. If you miss , you'll land among the stars , which is a fairly beautiful place to suffocate and die tbh."
17-Feb-2016 16:20:28
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17-Feb-2016 16:21:21
Chibi Toon
Guys Hyper hippos making the game I've seen Adventure Capitalist! Other then providing certain information pertaining to game characters I don't think they'll need to drag jagex into it much! Adventure Capitalist is awesome! I was literally playing it just a few minutes ago!