I've been testing the game for a few days now. While I have encountered only a few technical bugs, I still feel the game is flawed.
The quests Ankou Very Much and Prime Example, as well as the Divine Quest, What is Sewn, are virtually impossible to complete at this stage of the game. (For separate reasons)
Ankou Very Much:
-No Slayer skill is available.
-No Ankou appears in the Edgeville Dungeon.
Prime Example:
-Gaining 40 Farming is a ridiculous task. At 29, it cost nearly 1 billion anima per level. **
**[The scale in which you collect/require anima is nonsensical. For example, in order to add another citizen to my crafting skill, it will cost me 3.13 Octillion Blue Anima. Octillion. I was unaware such a number even exist, let alone fathom the hours, days, weeks, and months it will take just to reach this amount.]
What is Sewn:
- Zombie and Skeletons do not appear in any dungeon I have encountered so far.
Now. For the biggest issue of them all.
Threads of Time
Every time I open the Threads of Time tab, the game locks on that tab, and freezes. I have to close the game and restart it every time. This is a problem, as I can no longer reset the world because of it. This is the most troublesome issue I have had with the game.
Other than these issues, (which I see as very fixable) the game is enjoyable. Although, it is extremely pointless, as it adds nothing to in-game Runescape. It just seems like another way to extract microtransactions.
Ban all ALT1 users.
22-Jul-2016 17:15:12